Are you looking for a way to obtain an e-labor card or a major card? Read this article to learn about the steps involved in obtaining a labor card in your state. Also, check to see if you qualify for a major card from your state government.
Different states in India have Building and Other Construction Workers’ (BoCW) Welfare Boards that work for the welfare of construction workers in their state and create various initiatives to help them financially. Stipend scheme, shagun yojana, LTC plan, Exgratia scheme, General Surgery aid scheme, Tool kit scheme, Occupational Diseases scheme, Maternity benefit scheme, Funeral rites scheme, and Teeth whitening scheme are just a few of the additional schemes available for construction workers.
The most popular schemes are the spectacles and hearing device program, the Bali Tohfa Yojana, and the labor card scheme. As a result, if you want to fill out an online application form for whichever state you live in, you can do it right now using the information supplied here.
Who is eligible to apply for a labor card?
- If you are an Indian citizen, you can apply for a work permit.
- You must be a resident of the state in which you are applying.
- You must be a disorganized employee.
- You should be between the ages of 18 and 40.
- Your monthly revenue should not exceed Rs. 15,000 per month.
- The applicant must not work in the organized sector or be a member of the EPF, NPS, or ESIC, or be a taxpayer.
Worker’s compensation
The following are the key advantages that a labor cardholder receives from a long list of benefits:
- Financial assistance of up to Rs. 60,000 for children’s higher education.
- In the event of a serious ailment, the state government will provide complete financial assistance.
- Financial assistance of Rs. 55,000 at the time of the cardholder’s daughter’s wedding.
- When a girl kid is born, the state government gives you Rs. 25,000 in cash, and when a male child is born, you get Rs. 12000 in cash.
How to Apply for a Labor Card Online
The following is a step-by-step guide to submitting online applications:
- Go to your state’s website by selecting it from the list below.
- Click the ‘Register Now’ or ‘Create New User’ buttons to get started.
- Fill in your user name, first and last name, email address, and phone number.
- A confirmation link and an OTP will be sent to the registered email address.
- To validate your email and mobile number, click the link and enter the OTP.
- You will be given the option to create a password when you have verified your email and mobile number. Make sure you choose a strong password.
- With your freshly created username and password, you can now log in. After you log in for the first time, update your profile with the most recent photo and signature.
You can use the services of your state’s e-Labor online portal as soon as you update your profile. The following clearances are available to the applicant at this time:
Building Plans must be approved by Rule 3-A of the Punjab Factory Rules of 1952.
The Punjab Factory Rules, 1952 govern the registration, grant, and renewal of factory licenses.
The Punjab Shop and Commercial Establishment Act, 1958 governs the registration, renewal, and modification of shops and commercial establishments.
Registration/modification of a contract worker’s establishment (Principal Employer)
The Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970 governs the licensing, renewal, and modification of contract labor.